How to recognize a diamond

There are a number of tricks you can use to distinguish a real diamond from a fake, with the naked eye. They can provide clues, arouse or confirm doubts, but they are not enough to make a sure and certain identification.
How to recognize a diamond with the naked eye?
Before we look at how to recognize a real diamond, it's important to remember that this very hard stone (Mohs scale: 10), with its splendid brilliance, can only be authenticated with a gemstone appraisal by a professional gemmologist. Alternatively, you can buy a diamond with its laboratory certificate.
To recognize a diamond with the naked eye, do the light test. This simply involves checking how the stone reflects light. This trick detects stones called moissanites (SiC) quite well. It's less effective for zirconium oxides (ZrO₂), having a luster and "fire" quite similar to diamonds. Fire is the dispersion of light into spectral colors, rather like a rainbow. And with moissanites, it's more accentuated than with real diamonds.
Fake diamonds are mostly zirconium oxides, widespread synthetic stones that imitate the appearance of diamonds very well, but are much cheaper.
Although popular, the fog test is the least reliable of all the little tests you can do yourself to recognize a diamond. It's best to use a 10x magnifying glass, which can show you if the stone is damaged, in which case it's not a real diamond. Even if diamonds are very hard, don't try to scratch glass with a stone.
With a 10xmagnifying glass, you should already be able to see if there are any small inclusions, which is never the case with synthetic diamonds and often the case with diamonds. Same principle as for recognizing a sapphire.
Generally speaking, even if it doesn't always detect everything, of course a magnifying glass is useful for recognizing a precious stone.
How to recognize a rough diamond?
It's extremely difficult to tell a rough diamond from a synthetic one, because they look so much alike. In fact, it's even more difficult than recognizing a real cut diamond from a fake one. Call on our gemology service in Angers or Paris, and we can help you obtain a certificate, if you are in possession of a genuine diamond.
Good to know, however: a genuine rough diamond is never symmetrically perfect, unlike some imitations. A real diamond does not normally float in water or sink quickly, whereas fake diamonds are lighter, but this is not always a reliable method.
Discover also: how to recognize a ruby.
How to recognize a diamond on a ring?
To recognize a diamond ring, some find papers that identify the material, especially the certificate of authenticity. Otherwise, light dispersion can sometimes raise doubts, as it is truly characteristic of a genuine diamond.
The stone seems to glow from within, with a beautiful light that seems to reflect off all its facets and then, depending on the lighting conditions, takes on different aspects.
It's a beautiful, animated phenomenon, and that's what makes diamonds such exceptional stones. But to recognize a beautiful diamond on a ring, or unmounted, a zirconium or another stone, synthetic or natural, it's best not to rely on impressions and to seek expert advice.