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How to recognize a sapphire?

François Deprez
5 min read
How to recognize a sapphire?

Sapphire is a treasure trove for jewelry lovers, and because imitations do exist, we're going to take a look at how to recognize a sapphire. From uncertain methods to the most reliable. We'll also look at quality assessment.

How to recognize a real sapphire?

A real sapphire can be confused with a synthetic one. A blue sapphire may resemble other stones. Sapphire is a very popular stone, especially on marriage proposal rings.

A gemologist can sometimes recognize a genuine sapphire from a blue spinel or tanzanite, but to the naked eye this can be confusing. Further expertise is often required. Tanzanite and blue spinel are reminiscent of sapphire, but their compositions are very different.

Sapphire comes in a variety of colors, which can also be confused with other stones. In particular, it can be difficult to distinguish pink sapphire from pink spinel, which has similar clarity and brilliance.

Sometimes, a real sapphire can be distinguished from a synthetic one by its slight imperfections, whereas a fake sapphire has none. Laboratory-grown sapphires are designed to be flawless. But natural sapphires have no imperfections visible to the naked eye.

The most reliable way to recognize a sapphire is to ask a professional for a gemstone appraisal and obtain a certificate of authenticity, if it is a genuine gem.

How to recognize a synthetic sapphire?

Synthetic sapphires are numerous, but watchmaking professionals use them. Methods for identifying synthetic sapphires are generally unreliable. Such is the case with the mist test. You can, however, blow on a stone. The mist may disappear slowly, which tends to indicate a fake sapphire.

Another (random) method: you could turn off the light and use a small lamp. The light emitted by some synthetic sapphires is suspect.

Finally, good quality real sapphires have no air bubbles, and fakes can have some, but not always or not visible to the naked eye...

Note that nothing beats a microscope and spectroscopy. La maison Bonnot offers gemmological services in Angers.

How to recognize the quality of a sapphire?

A good quality sapphire may be a heated sapphire, but not necessarily a treated one. Heating is a widespread traditional process, considered normal, which is not the case with treatments that denature stones. What's more, a good sapphire has no inclusions visible to the naked eye - in any case, the majority of the highest-quality sapphires used in jewelry. The purity or clarity of a sapphire depends very much on the inclusions, and the most sought-after sapphires, such as Ceylon sapphire, are particularly pure. If inclusions are present, the stone remains transparent.

The color of a quality sapphire is intense and homogeneous. Colors may vary according to the origin of the sapphire, but certain regions of the world produce sapphires of different shades. For example, the royal blue Burmese sapphire is highly prized, but Burma produces different sapphires. Recognizing a gemstone is not easy, but this kind of clue is sometimes very useful.

How to recognize a blue sapphire?

  • Not all dark-blue sapphires are the most expensive or coveted. However, sapphires that are too pale are not sought-after in jewelry.
  • The price of a blue sapphire varies according to quality and carat. Like a diamond, quality is assessed using the 4Cs - carat, cut, clarity and color - to determine a price. Most of the time, a small blue sapphire of excellent quality costs more than a larger blue sapphire of lesser quality.
  • The best way to avoid being swindled is to buy a blue sapphire or sapphire of another color with a laboratory certificate from a trusted seller, who will be able to provide you with all the crucial information!
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François Deprez

Founder of Bonnot Paris

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