
10 Laos Street, 75015 Paris

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Rue du Rhône, Genève

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Conditions générales de vente et d'utilisation


La société par actions simplifiée Bonnot Paris, titulaire de la marque « Bonnot Paris » et agissant sous sa dénomination (ci-après « Bonnot Paris » ou « la Société »), est l'éditeur du site internet de commerce électronique BONNOT-PARIS.COM (ci-après le « Site ») accessible à l’adresse et ses dérivés par zones géographiques (ex : /fr/).

La vocation de ce Site est de permettre aux internautes consommateurs :

- L’achat en ligne de pierres naturelles de couleur, y compris des pierres précieuses, des pierres fines, des diamants, des perles et des opales (ci-après l’offre « Pierre seule »).

- L’achat en ligne de bijoux sur-mesure et demi-mesure, comprenant des montures de bijoux serties de pierres naturelles sélectionnées par les clients avec l’aide de Bonnot Paris. Ces services incluent une personnalisation poussée et des conseils d'experts pour répondre aux attentes et goûts spécifiques des clients.

Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente et d’Utilisation régissent les relations entre la Société et tout internaute utilisant le Site et ses Services et/ou utilisant le formulaire de contact (ci-après dénommé l’« Utilisateur ») et/ou ayant engagé un processus d’achat sur le Site (ci-après dénommé le « Client »).

Article 1 - Définitions

- Clients : désigne le cocontractant de la Société Bonnot Paris, titulaire de la marque Bonnot Paris et propriétaire du Site. Ce cocontractant est considéré au sens du droit de la consommation français comme étant un « consommateur » (voire « non-professionnel ») et s’engage à agir en cette qualité lors de la création de son Compte sur le Site. À ce titre, il est expressément admis que le Client agit en dehors de toute activité professionnelle ou commerciale. Le Client ne peut être qu’une personne physique ou morale (non-professionnelle) jouissant de la capacité légale de conclure des contrats.

- Conditions Générales : Désignent le présent document intitulé « Conditions Générales de Vente et d’Utilisation BONNOT-PARIS.COM » (ou simplement dénommé « CGVU »).

- Compte : Désigne le module mis en place par Bonnot Paris, accessible en ligne à l’adresse et permettant à l’Utilisateur d’avoir accès aux informations générales de gestion de son compte et aussi de sélectionner et de commander un certain nombre de Produits disponibles sur le Site. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas procéder à l’achat de Produits sur le Site sans avoir préalablement créé de Compte.

- Fiche : désigne la fiche de présentation d’un Produit proposé à la vente en ligne sur le Site.

- Panier : désigne la page récapitulative des Produits choisis par le Client au fur et à mesure de sa navigation sur le Site en vue de passer une commande éventuelle.

- Produit : désigne le ou les biens disponibles à la commande sur le Site BONNOT-PARIS.COM, à savoir des pierres gemmes, des montures de bagues et autres bijoux, ainsi que le résultat de leur assemblage tel que commandé par le Client.

- Site : Désigne le site internet mis en place par la Société, accessible en ligne à l’adresse https://BONNOT-PARIS.COM/. Le Site comprend l’infrastructure technique et logicielle ainsi que le contenu, notamment les textes, sons, images fixes ou animées, vidéos et bases de données, logos, liens hypertextes, arborescence et mise en page, onglets et menu de navigation, etc.

- Utilisateur : Désigne indifféremment le Client passant commande sur le Site via le Compte ou le simple visiteur naviguant sur le Site, cette navigation devant être conforme aux présentes Conditions Générales.

Article 2: Purpose/Description of the services offered via the BONNOT-PARIS.COM Site

2.1 Purpose of the Site

The Site allows Users to use and navigate the Site (and to consult offers), to make inquiries and to place orders for Products via their Account.

2.2 Status and obligations of the Company

In advance, it is specified that all Products offered for sale on the Site are shipped subject to their availability and/or the availability of the materials composing them (for frames). In fact, the presentation of Products on the Site at a given time does not imply and does not guarantee that these Products will be available at all times. In fact, the Company reserves the right to interrupt the sale of any Product at any time.

Once finalized, the User's order constitutes acceptance of the Company's offer, which means that the User confirms that he wishes to acquire the Products as described on the Site and on the Sheet, that he accepts the proposed price and that he acknowledges that the placing of this order implies an obligation to pay on his part. Consequently, when the User confirms his order, he agrees to be bound to the Company by a sales contract, subject to the availability of the Products and the validation of his payment under the conditions provided below.

Purchases made from the Site are intended for personal use and should not be made as part of a commercial activity or for commercial gain. In case of serious doubt, the Company reserves the right to refuse any order of multiple quantities of one or more Products from a single Customer and/or intended for a single postal address.

# Article 3: Acceptance of the BONNOT-PARIS.COM General Conditions

The Site is accessible to Users via the Internet from a fixed or mobile terminal using an internet browser. The purpose of these General Conditions is to define the terms and conditions under which the User is authorized to use the Site as well as the modalities of access and operation of the Services offered by the Company on the Site. They take precedence over any other document that may have been communicated to the Company. All Users hereby acknowledge that the services offered by the Company via the Site are intended to evolve and be modified.

Access to and use of the Site implies full and complete acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. Any condition or clause contrary to the General Terms and Conditions opposed by the User will therefore be, in the absence of express and written acceptance by the Company, unenforceable against it.

The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, at any time and without notice, to modify the Site, the services or to modify these General Terms and Conditions including the financial conditions.

The applicable General Conditions are those in force during each navigation on the Site by Users. The User must take care to consult these Conditions regularly. However, the Company will endeavour to inform Users holding an Account of any update to these Terms, by email to the address referenced in the Account.

Anyone can use the services offered via the Site provided that they are an adult and legally capable natural person. In addition, the Company reminds all Users that they must have a functioning email address. In the absence of a valid email address, the Company will be unable to meet its obligations and can in no way be held responsible for this non-performance. Specifically, it will not be able to respond to any request made via the contact form and will be unable to process any order placed on the Account.

Finally, the Company recalls that any order placed via the Account will only be definitively validated once these General Terms and Conditions have been read and accepted by the User. The User thus acknowledges that he is fully informed and that he is bound by all the provisions constituting these General Conditions.

Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions in the form of a “check box” at the time of creating the Account constitutes proof that the User has taken note of these provisions and constitutes acceptance of these provisions.

These General Terms and Conditions are enforceable throughout the duration of use of the Site as well as during the phase of ordering a Product on the Site until the receipt of said Product. The ordering phase also includes the phases of designing “half-measure” or “tailor-made” Products and the exchanges of information by email between the User and the Company, notwithstanding their realization in whole or in part outside the Site.

Likewise, these General Terms and Conditions are only available in French and English. They are applicable to all orders delivered in France and internationally, under French law alone.

Any use of the Site by the User after any changes to the General Conditions implies acceptance by the latter of the new General Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions appearing online on the Site prevail over any printed version from an earlier date. The User may at any time renounce using the Site but remains responsible for any previous use.

The fact that the Company does not rely, at a given time, on a provision of these General Conditions, cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce this same provision.

# Article 4: Access, security and continuity of the BONNOT-PARIS.COM Site

4.1 Access to the Site

Access to the Site and navigation are free. Ordering a Product on the Site (via the Customer Account) is chargeable. Ordering visuals relating to design projects is free within the limits provided for in article 5.6.4 hereof.

4.2 Availability of the site The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Due to the nature and complexity of the Internet network, and in particular, its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring information data, the Company uses all reasonable means at its disposal, in accordance with the rules of the art, to allow access and use of the Site and the services offered but is under no obligation to do so. Therefore, in view of the hazards associated with the very nature of the Internet network, the Company does not guarantee that the Site operates without interruption and that the servers that give access to it and/or the third party sites for which hypertext links appear do not contain viruses.

The Company cannot be held responsible in the event that one or more Users are unable to connect to the Site due to any technical defect or problem.

In particular, the Company reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily close the Site as well as access to one or more services included in it, in particular to carry out maintenance operations, updates, modifications or changes in operational methods or even a restriction of the hours of accessibility of the Site, without this list being exhaustive.

In the event of temporary or prolonged unavailability of the Site, in particular in the event of the occurrence of “bugs”, the Company cannot be held responsible for damages that have occurred, other than those arising directly from the non-performance of its obligations listed herein.

The Company cannot be responsible for the proper functioning of the User's computer equipment as well as for his access to the Internet. For optimal functioning of the Site, the Company recommends that each User use computer equipment with the following minimum configuration:

- Chrome version 98+

- Safari 14+

- Edge 98.0+

- Firefox 90+

- iOS 14+

- Android 11.0+

The User acknowledges that access and use of the Site may be made impossible due to the absence of this minimum configuration on their computer equipment. The User acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration at his disposal is adequate, does not contain any viruses and that it is in good working order. The equipment (computer, mobile telephone, software, telecommunications equipment, etc.) allowing access to the Site is the sole responsibility of the User, as are the telecommunications costs incurred by their use.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to supplement or modify, at any time, the Site and the services available on it in accordance with the evolution of technologies. It is up to the User to ensure the possibilities of evolution of the computer resources and transmission at their disposal so that these means can adapt to the evolution of the Site.

Respect for the rules of use

The User is in a position to take advantage of the functionalities made available on the Site. In general, the User is prohibited, in the context of the use of the Site, from engaging in acts of any nature whatsoever, such as writing, publishing and putting online, emission, transmission, dissemination of data and/or content that would be contrary to the law, would violate public order, or the rights of the Company or third parties.

In particular, without this list being exhaustive, the User undertakes, in using the Sites, to respect the following rules:

- Do not use false identities in order to deceive others and provide accurate information when using the Site;

- Comply with the laws in force and respect the rights of third parties, as well as the present provisions of the General Conditions;

- Use the Site fairly, in accordance with its purpose and in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions and uses in force;

- Respect the intellectual property rights relating to the content provided by the Company, as well as the intellectual property rights of third parties such as the creator of the Site or, possibly, the creator (s) of the Products; therefore, each User is prohibited from reproducing and/or communicating to the public, through the Site, one or more contents to the public, through the Site, one or more contents without the authorization of the holders of the rights relating to these contents, when required;

- Do not divert or attempt to divert any of the functionalities of the Site outside of its normal use as defined in these General Conditions;

- Do not overload the Site in any way whatsoever;

- Do not retrieve information contained on the Site en masse and without prior authorization;

- Do not use robot software or any other equivalent automated process or tool to navigate the Site;

- Not to disseminate data, information or content that has the effect of reducing, disorganizing, or preventing the normal use of the Site;

- Do not carry out advertising actions without the prior and explicit consent of the Company;

- Do not use the site for professional purposes without the prior and explicit consent of the Company.

In addition, in application of the regulations on the fight against money laundering, the User declares that:

- the origin of the funds he pays to the Company for the purchase of the Products is perfectly legal and does not come from any activity contrary to national and international legislation relating to financial transactions;

- he did not derive any direct or indirect benefit from any false justification of income from the author of a crime or misdemeanor, nor contributed to an investment, concealment or conversion of the direct or indirect proceeds of a crime or misdemeanour.

In general, the User undertakes to respect the laws and regulations applicable in France and, where applicable, in his country, in terms of the fight against corruption.

In the event of a breach by a User of one or more of these rules, the Company reserves the right to suspend and/or unilaterally terminate these General Conditions and any associated contracts or special conditions and/or to block orders and/or of the User concerned, and/or to block his access to all or part of the Site, and/or to block his access to all or part of the Site, without any compensation, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in article 7 of these General Conditions.

# Article 5: Order on the Website/Conclusion of the online contract

5.1 Description of the Products on the Site

The essential characteristics of the Products, services and their respective prices are made available to the User on the BONNOT-PARIS.COM Website. In accordance with Decree No. 2002-65 of January 14, 2020 relating to the trade in gemstones and pearls, the Company undertakes to provide all information relating to the processing of gemstones sold on its site. Coloured stones resulting from treatment (such as heat treatment or irradiation) will be indicated by the mention “With treatment” and, where possible, accompanied by a description of the treatment in question. When the Company does not officially receive this information from its supplier, the Product will be accompanied by the simple statement “Without information on the treatment”, thus not guaranteeing whether there was a treatment and the nature of the treatment. Finally, when the stone has not undergone any treatment, the term “without treatment” will be indicated in the description of the stone concerned.

The measurements (size and weight) of the Products are not contractual. Although carried out using extremely precise tools, the measurements are provided to the User for information purposes only. The Company cannot commit to the exact value of these measures, in particular because they may vary from one measurement tool to another. THE USER ACKNOWLEDGES AND ACCEPTS THAT THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE PRODUCTS HE ORDERS ARE SENT TO HIM FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT CONTRACTUALLY.

Before any order, the User acknowledges that he has received all the information necessary for his choice. The User also certifies that he has read the delivery costs of the Product he wishes to order as well as the terms of payment, delivery and execution of the contract.

The Company undertakes to honor the User's order within the limits of available Product stocks only. Otherwise, the Company shall inform the User as soon as possible by any relevant means (error message, e-mail sent to the User when ordering, etc.). The unavailability of a Product is in principle indicated on the page of the Product concerned. Users may also be informed of the restocking of a similar or almost identical Product by the Company.

In the event of unavailability of a Product, the Company may, at the request of the User:

- Offer to ship all the Products at the same time as soon as the Products out of stock are available again (in the case of a multiple order),

- Proceed with a partial shipment of the available Products at first, then with the shipment of the rest of the order when the other Products are available, subject to clear information concerning the additional transport costs that may be incurred (in the case of a multiple order),

- Offer an alternative Product of equivalent quality and price, accepted by the Customer.

If the Customer decides to cancel his order for unavailable Products, he will obtain a refund of all amounts paid for the unavailable Products no later than thirty (30) days after payment has been confirmed.

In addition, the contractual information concerning the Products is presented in detail and in French or English. In accordance with French law (country of residence of the Company), they are subject to a summary and confirmation during the validation of the order.


The validity period of the offer of the Products as well as their prices are specified on the Site. The Company keeps its Catalogue up to date on a daily basis.

5.2 Product quality and origin

Without this constituting any obligation of result or means, the Company undertakes to select all of its suppliers for the quality and the “responsible” origin of their Products (in particular for gemstones). However, the Company does not guarantee the User that the Products it sells on its Site have been extracted from responsible mining activities, in particular respecting international ethical and ecological commitments, or that they have not, in any way, helped to finance illicit activities. Regrettably, the gemstone trade is now subject to this type of moral hazard whose state-of-the-art methods and technologies do not allow perfect traceability.

Although Bonnot Paris makes every effort to promote and conduct a responsible, legal and fair trade in colored stones, it cannot guarantee Users that the Products on the Site fully meet these criteria. On the other hand, the Company undertakes to blacklist any supplier whose Products supplied are recognized as contrary to its ethical commitments and to moral order in general.

When possible, the Company will inform the User of the Country and/or Region and/or, possibly, the mining area from which the Product comes. This information is included in the product description. It is transmitted to the User for information purposes only and is not contractual. The Company does not guarantee the veracity of this information, which is transmitted to it without formal proof by its trusted suppliers.

5.3 Validity of the Order on the Site

To be able to buy a Product, the Customer must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to contract with the Company.

The Site does not make any minimum purchase before the validation of an order.

Any order on the Site requires the prior creation of an Account and the connection to said Account via the login details chosen by the User.

The User can check the status of his order on the Site at any time. Delivery tracking can, if necessary, be carried out using the online tracking tools of certain carriers (La Poste “Valeurs” in France, FedEx internationally).

The User may also contact the Company's sales department at any time by email, at, in order to obtain information on the status of their order. The information that the User provides to the Company when placing an order must be complete, accurate and up to date. The Company reserves the right to ask the User to confirm, by any appropriate means, their identity, eligibility and the information provided.

The User must follow a series of steps specific to each Product offered by the Company in order to be able to carry out and finalize the order. As such, the steps described below are systematic:

- Information for the User on the Site and when ordering concerning the essential characteristics of the Product;

- The User chooses the Product, its possible options and determines its quantity, places it in the Basket;

- Once the Products have been selected and placed in their Shopping Cart, the User can access the basket or continue shopping.

- To validate his basket, he must click on the Basket and check that the content of his order is correct.

- If the User has not yet done so, he will then be invited to identify himself or to register via a registration form.

- If the User has just registered for the first time, he must complete his delivery address and his billing address if this is different from the delivery address. If the User was already registered or identified, all he has to do is confirm his delivery and/or billing address.

- Once the User has validated the contents of the Basket, has identified/registered and chosen his delivery method, an automatically completed online form will be displayed to him summarizing the price, applicable taxes and, where applicable, delivery costs.

- The User is invited to check the full content of his order (including the price, quantity, characteristics and references of the Product (s) ordered, the delivery method and address).

- The User then clicks on the “Continue” button in order to start the process of validating his order and to initiate the process of buying the Product (s) in his Basket.

- In parallel, the User accepts these BONNOT-PARIS.COM General Terms and Conditions as well as the withdrawal conditions set out in them (excluding “half-measure” or “tailor-made” Products, in accordance with the legislation in force).

- The User follows the instructions for the payment of the Products. He selects the payment method of his choice (Paypal, secure payment via Stripe or by bank transfer). If the User chooses to pay by bank card, he is sent to a secure payment module (via Stripe). The User is solely responsible for choosing his payment method. The Company declines all responsibility for this choice, nor for the execution of the payment phase. Depending on the payment method chosen, the User acknowledges having read and accepted without reservation the General Conditions of Use of the company Stripe or the general conditions of the company Paypal or of his own bank.


It is specified that neither the order that the User establishes online, nor the acknowledgement of receipt of the order that the Company sends to the User by email constitute an invoice. Regardless of the method of order or payment used, the Customer will receive the original of the invoice by email after validation of payment.

Once the process described above has been finalized, the User will receive confirmation exclusively by email of the payment of the order, as well as an acknowledgement of receipt of the order confirming it.

For the Products delivered, this delivery will be made to the address indicated by the User, knowing that this address must be located in a country whose jewelry and gemstones trade is officially authorized by the laws and regulations of the European Union. An interactive and up-to-date list of countries subject to international financial sanctions or embargoes on precious stones and metals is available at the following link:

Any country appearing in this interactive list at the time of the Order cannot be selected by the User as the country of delivery of the Product ordered.


In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code relating to remote identification, the User undertakes to provide his truthful identification elements. The Company reserves the right to refuse the order, for example, for any abnormal request, made in bad faith or for any reason it deems legitimate.

It is the User's responsibility to keep copies of the documents concerning his order (the confirmation email, the Delivery Email, the General Conditions, and any other useful document). In addition, if the amount of the order exceeds 120 euros including VAT, the Company will keep a copy of the order in its files, for the duration provided by law. During this period, the User may request a copy of his order at any time. In this case, the Company reserves the right to charge the User for the costs relating to the recovery and sending of the requested document.

5.4 Retention of ownership of the Products

The Products present on the Site and ordered by the User remain the property of the Company until full payment of the price by the User who placed the order.

The intellectual property rights on illustrations, photographs, sketches, pre-design visuals and/or jewelry models are never transferred to the Customer when buying a Product on the Site, even if he buys a custom design service for a Product. THE CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY ACCEPTS THIS CONDITION AND ACKNOWLEDGES PURCHASING FROM THE COMPANY A FINISHED PRODUCT AND IN NO CASE A VISUAL, CONCEPT OR PRODUCT MODEL. THE CUSTOMER THUS RENOUNCES ALL EXCLUSIVITY ON THE PRODUCT MODELS THAT HE ORDERS ON THE SITE, EVEN WHEN THESE ARE THE RESULT OF A “TAILOR-MADE” DESIGN.

However, the Company prohibits any reuse, whatever it may be, of sketches, visuals and models of Products whose creation would have obviously been shared with the Customer. This manifest nature will be assessed by the precision of the Customer's contributions and/or instructions during the design phase of said sketches, visuals or models, in particular by the provision of metric drawings, specific dimensions, or any other element that restricts the creative contribution of the Company.

5.5 Terms of delivery of the Products

The methods of delivery of the Products (in particular the deadlines and dedicated costs) are described on the Site and reminded to the User at the time of ordering.

Delivery methods

The delivery of the Product (delivery) is carried out by a trusted partner of the Company. For shipments of Products in France (Metropole and DROM-COM), the Company entrusts the delivery of Products to LA POSTE, through its specific offer entitled “Declared Value”. This delivery service is chargeable. It covers loss or damage during shipping up to the declared value of the goods. Delivery is thus ensured up to the value declared at the time of shipment and the Product is delivered against signature to the receiving Customer (or his agent, if applicable). A follow-up service during the delivery period is also included in the delivery costs.

For more information on LA POSTE's “Declared Value” service, the User can consult the following link at any time:

International shipments of Products are, for their part, provided by the service provider FEDEX. A warranty service in case of loss, theft or damage is also offered by this provider, as well as a follow-up service. This delivery service is chargeable and has its own pricing. Delivery costs vary depending on the country or geographic region of destination.

For more information:

By default, delivery is made to the delivery address determined by the User within his Account or, where applicable, to the one provided by the User at the time of his order. The delivery address may differ from the billing address. Because of the financial value of the Products and the risks of theft, Bonnot Paris does not offer any standard delivery method or the withdrawal of goods in stores or parcel shops.

Delivery costs

The delivery costs will be mentioned on the Site and adapted according to the delivery methods selected (including the delivery address) when the User orders.

Delivery times

The delivery time is also mentioned on the Site and is reminded to the User at the time of ordering. The delivery times are adapted according to the service and/or the Product (s) chosen and the delivery methods used (including the delivery address) when the User orders.

The User expressly acknowledges that he has read and accepted the delivery time offered to him at the time of ordering on the Site.

This deadline has contractual value and must be respected by the Company. The Company is committed to its best efforts to deliver the Products ordered on time. If this deadline is exceeded, the User may order the Company by registered mail to deliver the Product within a new period of time. This new period must be reasonable and represent at least fifty percent (50%) of the initial period.

It is only in the event of non-compliance by the Company with this second deadline that the Customer may claim a cancellation of his order and a refund of the Products ordered. In the event of impossibility of delivery or delay on the second deadline, the User must send another registered letter confirming his request for reimbursement of the Products ordered. The Company will then proceed with a full refund of the Products ordered within fourteen (14) days following receipt of the last registered letter.

The Company may grant the reimbursement of a Product without receiving a letter from the Customer, in particular in the event of impossibility of delivery. This article does not apply in the event of late delivery due to force majeure. The simple delay caused by the delivery company partner of Bonnot Paris is not considered to be a case of force majeure.

The Company recalls that when the User takes physical possession of the Products, the risks of loss or damage to the Products are transferred to him. IT IS UP TO THE USER TO NOTIFY THE CARRIER OF ANY RESERVATIONS CONCERNING THE PRODUCT (S) DELIVERED.

5.6 Product Prices

Price display

All the Products on the Site are chargeable and have a sale price. All prices displayed include value added tax (including VAT), at the legal rate in force on the date of invoicing. The price displayed on the Product Sheet is the price including VAT excluding delivery costs. Delivery costs are only included at the time of the order, after the User has selected the chosen delivery method.

The prices indicated on the Site are by default in euros. They can be formulated in dollars or pounds sterling, depending on the choice made by the User in the currency selector present on the header of the Site (at the top right). At any time, the User can review his choice of currency before validating his order. The User acknowledges that the Company is free to apply the currency conversion rates (€->$ or €->£) that it wishes.

Price changes

The prices of the Company's suppliers are subject to change, in particular according to prices on the subject. As a result, the prices indicated on the Site may change on a Product or a range of Products of similar or almost identical quality and measurements. They can also be changed in case of special offers or sales. The trade in jewelry and gemstones (or colored stones) is subject to a trading market in such a way that the Company does not guarantee any stability in the evolution over time of the prices charged on its Site.

Validity of the price


Pricing specific to sketches and visuals of Products to be designed The Company offers a Product preview service through digital visuals and/or sketches drawn by hand and digitized. This service is made available as part of the design of “half-measure” or “tailor-made” Products as provided on the Site at

The preview service is free within the following limits:

- For the “Half Measure”: One (1) visual per Product Design Project.

- For “Customized”: Two (2) visuals per Product design project, supplemented by the possibility of making two (2) new modifications to the visual selected from among the 2 initially proposed.

Beyond these limits, the User will be charged a fixed amount of sixty euros excluding tax (€60 excluding tax) per visual or per modification of a visual. The User is informed in advance of the pricing methods for this service before the validation of his order. The User will also be invited to consult the price list for the design of pre-design visuals for the Products by clicking on the following link:

The Company is committed to transparency on this service and to informing the User as soon as the flat rate applies. The User is free to refuse this service, in which case his order for a “half-measure” or “tailor-made” Product cannot be validated, except in exceptional cases under the express agreement of the Company.

5.7 Terms of payment for the Products

The User makes the payment of his order during the validation of his Basket, according to the payment methods offered on the Site.

The validation of the order is subject to the acceptance by the User of these General Conditions and the terms of delivery and payment.

For orders of “half-measure” or “tailor-made” Products, a deposit of 50% of the total amount of the order is required upon validation of the order. The balance of the order will be payable upon delivery of the Product. Manufacturing times can vary from 4 to 6 weeks once the deposit is received.

The methods of payment accepted by the Company are as follows:

- Credit card payment via the secure Stripe service.

- Payment via PayPal.

- Payment by bank transfer.Payment by bank card is secured by the service provider Stripe. Under no circumstances does the Company have access to the User's banking information. This information is processed directly by Stripe, in accordance with their general conditions of use.

In case of payment by bank transfer, the order will be validated after receipt of payment on the Company's bank account. The transfer information will be sent to the User after validation of the order on the Site.

# Article 6: Right of withdrawal

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the User has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Product to exercise his right of withdrawal from the Company, without having to justify reasons or pay a penalty, for the purpose of exchange or refund, for the purpose of exchange or refund, provided that the Products are returned in their original packaging and in perfect condition within fourteen (14) days following the notification to the Company of the withdrawal decision of the User.


Returns must be made in their original and complete condition (packaging, accessories, instructions, etc.) allowing them to be remarketed in new condition, accompanied by the purchase invoice. Damaged, soiled or incomplete Products are not taken back.

The right of withdrawal can be exercised online, using the withdrawal form available on the Site, in which case an acknowledgement of receipt on a durable medium will be immediately communicated to the User by the Company, or any other statement, unambiguous, expressing the desire to withdraw.

In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal within the above period, only the price of the Product (s) purchased and the delivery costs are reimbursed; the return costs remain the responsibility of the User.

The refund will be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of notification to the Company of the withdrawal decision, subject to the receipt of the returned Products. The Company will proceed with the reimbursement using the same payment method as that used for the initial transaction, unless the User expressly agrees to a different payment method. This reimbursement will not incur any costs for the User.

# Article 7: Responsibility and guarantee

The Company declines all responsibility in the event of loss or damage to the Products during delivery, unless the User notifies the carrier of the necessary reservations at the time of delivery. In the event of loss or damage, the User must inform the Company within three (3) days from receipt of the Products.

The Products sold on the Site comply with the regulations in force in France. The Company cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract concluded, on the one hand in the event of force majeure, as defined by the French courts, and on the other hand in the event of the User's fault or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party to the contract.

In any event, the Company's liability is limited to the amount of the order.

# Article 8: Customer service

For any information or questions, the Company's customer service can be reached by telephone on 01 89 70 99 85 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., by email at, or by post at the following address:

Bonnot Paris 10 rue de la Paix 75002 Paris

# Article 9: Intellectual property

All texts, comments, books, illustrations, works and images reproduced or represented on the Site are strictly reserved under copyright as well as under intellectual property and for the whole world. As such and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only use for private use, subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, is authorized. Any total or partial reproduction of the Site is strictly prohibited.

# Article 10: Personal Data

The Company is committed to protecting Users' personal data. All personal data concerning the User collected by the Company is treated with the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

# Article 11: Disputes

In the event of a dispute, an amicable solution will be sought before any legal action. The User is informed that he may in any case use conventional mediation, in particular with the Consumer Mediation Commission (Consumer Code, article L534-7) or with existing sectoral mediation bodies, or to any alternative dispute resolution method in the event of a dispute.

# Article 12: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, jurisdiction is attributed to the competent French courts, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.

# Article 13: Various provisions

If one or more stipulations of these General Conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will remain in full force and scope.

The fact that one of the Parties does not rely on a breach by the other Party of any of the obligations referred to in these General Conditions cannot be interpreted for the future as a renunciation of the obligation in question.

# Article 14: Company contact details

Bonnot Paris

10 rue de la Paix 75002 Paris

Bonnot Paris

8 place Monseigneur Rumeau 49100 Angers

Phone: 01 89 70 99 85 (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.)


# Article 15: Modification of the General Conditions

The Company reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time. The new General Conditions will be applicable to any order after they are placed online on the Site.


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use are current as of August 5, 2024.


Please note that all of these General Conditions must be approved by the User at the time of each order on the Site.

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“Bonnot Paris jewelry is exceptional. The stones are stunningly beautiful. François is going straight to the conquest of exceptional gems!
Why go to a “famous” jewelry house when François and his team accompany you throughout the process of creating a unique piece of jewelry, perfectly adapted to his tastes and personality?”

“We called on Mr. Deprez to create our wedding rings. From the first date he understood my husband's style. The designs are super well done and the whole team is very attentive to changes to be made if necessary. Mr. Deprez also knew how to adapt perfectly to the budget that was given to him.
The rings are of irreproachable quality. We will be calling on him for other projects without hesitation!”

“My experience at Bonnot Paris was incredible from start to finish. From the first appointment, I knew I was in good hands.
François took the time to understand my needs and my preferences, and presented me with a selection of stones that were all more beautiful than the last.
The design process was a true collaboration. The designer drew 5 options and was very receptive to my comments. The end result is a custom ring that I love.”

“I am absolutely thrilled with the experience I had with Bonnot Jewelry to create a custom engagement ring for my fiancée.

The process was smooth and enjoyable, and the staff was incredibly professional, attentive, and patient. François really knew how to support me in choosing the stones (size, quality, etc.). Their know-how and attention to detail exceeded all my expectations.
The ring is simply beautiful, perfectly reflecting the tastes and personality of my fiancée!”

“TEXT testimonies”